Interview with Bocc

My first encounter with BOCC was quite random, but I’ve been instantly attracted to the putrid sound and sludgy riffs of A la Forca, right from the first seconds. Their latest record, Dolça Mort en els llims del Rec Comtal hadn’t come out yet, so I just listened to their first two obsessively and decided to support them by buying the digital on Bandcamp. Then chance would have it that a friend of mine asked me to join him in his trip to Barcelona (where BOCC hails from), so I contacted the band to ask if there were any gig of theirs during the days I was there. Sadly they didn’t have any gig planned for that time period, but I was stoked to get invited to go seeing them and meeting them at a rehearsal. Unfortunately they were all sick and had to cancel the rehearsals, but I still managed to go to a punk gig and meet a lot of cool people there. After some time, I noticed that BOCC was going to play together with Carcinoid in Barcelona (which is another amazing death-doom band, which I even interviewed years ago). The flight tickets weren’t so expensive, so I talked about it with a friend I met at the punk gig, and he offered to host me at his place (thanks a lot, mate!) and go to the gig together. So we did! The show was brilliant (of course) and, talking with them afterwards, I found some really nice blokes as well. I’d love to organize a gig with them where I live, together with another band I have in mind, but that’s quite utopistic for now. Doing an interview was the least I could do! Final words, I just want to sincerely thank my dear friend Blogthrower for giving me a platform to further develop my mental illness, Queens of Steel for the same reason (but in spanish!) and for their kindess, and last but not least, Emilio and BOCC for this amazing interview (and the tape)!
Put on a BOCC record (or Corrupted or something…) and enjoy! [ZIO SALVA]

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Intervista ai Bocc

Dicono che l’emozione non ha voce, ma talvolta può essere piuttosto eloquente. Stavolta le cose si sono fatte “grandi” in modo spontaneo. L’intervista qui presente non è mia, di quello stronzone che si firma [F] sotto ai post, ma è farina del sacco dello zio Salva, un amico che già avete imparato a conoscere nella grandiosa intervista che fece ai canadesi Saccage a inizio 2020. Quando gli prende bene, gli prende bene. I Bocc sono una sua scoperta, me li ha infilati nelle orecchie e da lì non sono più usciti. Li ha visti live a Barcellona, con quei marcioni dei Carcinoid, li ha conosciuti di persona ed è rimasto folgorato. Da lì si è pian piano sviluppata l’idea per un’intervista atipica, sin dalla lingua in cui è stata effettuata, per le ragioni che leggerete a breve. Altro elemento che mi riempie di felicità è il testo di questa chiacchierata con Emilio, attuale cantante/chitarrista dei Bocc. È stato pubblicato anche in inglese (qui) e in spagnolo (su Queens of Steel, che ringrazio tantissimo per averci ospitato). [F]

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